
Postal and Courier Services

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Whether you are a government business enterprise providing postal services, a private company providing courier services or a retailer shipping your goods to your clients, you should take action to secure your cargo against tampering or pilferage. 

Seals HQ has been providing Tamper Evident Security Seals to postal and courier services companies to secure roll cages, sorting bins and trucks. We also provide Tamper Evident Security Bags to clients who need to dispatch sensitive documents or high value goods. Seals HQ's Tamper Evident Security Tapes and Labels are also used to seal cartons and pallets to prevent pilferage. 
Need help to choose from our wide range of Tamper Evident Security Seals to suit your application? Call us at 1300 920 778 or email us at Free samples are available to assess suitability of our products in your environment.

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* Australia's First Biodegradable Seals * Seals HQ Biodegradable Plastic Security Seals. ISO and ASTM D5511, 5526 and 7475 Tested. Made to...
From $20.00
* In-Stock * Double Locking Fixed Length Indicative Security Seal with Break Point for Secure Sealing and Easy Removal. Price per...
From $45.00
* In-Stock * Strong Flat Tailed Adjustable Length Indicative Security Seal with Locking Length of 320mm. Price per 100 and 1,000....
From $24.75
* ON SALE. 50% OFF! * Strong and Durable Adjustable Length Indicative Security Seal with Locking Length of 265mm. Price...
From $33.00
* In-Stock * 2mm Round Tail Adjustable Length Indicative Security Seal with Locking Length of 250mm. Price per 100 and 1,000....
From $27.50
* In-Stock * 2mm Round Tail Adjustable Length Indicative Security Seal with Locking Length of 150mm. Price per 100 and 1,000. ===...
From $49.50
* In-Stock * Tamper Evident Indicative Security Seal used on Seals HQ's Reusable Security Bags. Price per tray of 750pcs or cartons of...
From $220.00
* In Stock * Strong and Secure Fixed Length Seal with Metal Strap. Locking Length of 200mm. Price per 1000 only....

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* Custom Order only * Interlocking Lids secured with Seals HQ Clip Seals or Adjustable Length Security Seals. Multiple sizes...
From $16.00
* In-Stock * Premium metal seal with 2.5mm non-preformed wire, 30cm length. Price per 10, 50 and 500. === Strong and...
From $11.00
* In-Stock * Versatile metal seal with 1.5mm non-preformed wire, 30cm length. Price per 10, 50 and 500. Specs === Strong and...

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* Custom Made * Custom Design your own Biodegradable One Time Use Security Tamper Evident Bag. Level 4 security detects Heat / Freon...
Biodegradable Security Bag A5 | Opaque
From $55.00
* In Stock * Bag size: 170.0mm x 255.0mm. Biodegradable Opaque One Time Use Tamper Evident Bag. Level 4 security detects Heat...
Biodegradable Security Bag A4 | Opaque
From $49.90
* In Stock * Bag size: 230.0mm x 335.0mm. Biodegradable Opaque One Time Use Tamper Evident Bag. Level 4 security detects Heat...
Biodegradable Security Bag A3 | Opaque
From $77.00
* In Stock * Bag size: 320.0mm x 465.0mm. Biodegradable Opaque One Time Use Tamper Evident Bag. Level 4 security detects Heat...

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Your very own design  l  Small Volume Order === If you require a security tamper evident bag with your own customised...
* In-Stock * Bag size: 285.0mm (W) x 130.0mm (H) === Heavy Duty Reusable Security Bag. Designed for securing and...
* In-Stock * Bag size: 250.0mm (W) x 290.0mm (H) x 10.0mm (G) === Heavy Duty Reusable Security Bag. Designed...
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