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Food Services

Whether you are a business providing catering services, franchise distribution warehouses, food manufacturing and food packaging services, your supply chain security is vital to your business.
Seals HQ has been supporting companies in the Food Services industry by providing reliable Tamper Evident Security solutions to secure the entire food supply chain. We supply Tamper Evident Plastic Security Seals to food processing and distribution warehouses for securing trucks, Tamper Evident Security Tapes to fresh fruit export companies to secure their fresh produce during transport and have successfully deployed our Biodegradable Tamper Evident Plastic Security Seals with one of the largest supermarkets in Australia. We also provide Tamper Evident Security Tapes and Labels to food delivery companies to ensure that the food is not tampered with during delivery to the customer.
Need help to choose from our wide range of Tamper Evident Security Seals to suit your application? Call us at 1300 920 778 or email us at Free samples are available to assess suitability of our products in your environment.
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* Australia's First Biodegradable Seals * Seals HQ Biodegradable Plastic Security Seals. ISO and ASTM D5511, 5526 and 7475 Tested. Made to...
From $20.00
* In-Stock * Double Locking Fixed Length Indicative Security Seal with Break Point for Secure Sealing and Easy Removal. Price per...
From $220.00
* In Stock * Strong and Secure Fixed Length Seal with Metal Strap. Locking Length of 200mm. Price per 1000 only....
From $45.00
* In-Stock * Strong Flat Tailed Adjustable Length Indicative Security Seal with Locking Length of 320mm. Price per 100 and 1,000....
From $24.75
* ON SALE. 50% OFF! * Strong and Durable Adjustable Length Indicative Security Seal with Locking Length of 265mm. Price...
From $33.00
* In-Stock * 2mm Round Tail Adjustable Length Indicative Security Seal with Locking Length of 250mm. Price per 100 and 1,000....
From $27.50
* In-Stock * 2mm Round Tail Adjustable Length Indicative Security Seal with Locking Length of 150mm. Price per 100 and 1,000. ===...
From $27.50
* In-Stock * Economical Adjustable Length Indicative Security Seal with Locking Length of 215mm and Tear Off feature. Price per 100 and...
From $36.30
* In-Stock * Polypropylene Clip Seal with 4 locking legs for Security Crates. Easy application and removal. Price per pack of...
* Custom Order only * Interlocking Lids secured with Seals HQ Clip Seals or Adjustable Length Security Seals. Multiple sizes...
From $27.50
* In-Stock * Total Transfer security tape. 45 meters. Available in red. 150mm perforations. Unique serial numbers. === Features: Versatile...
From $16.50
* In-Stock * Total Transfer security tape. Available in blue. === Features: Versatile Tamper Evident Security Tape designed to be...
From $25.00
* Printed in Australia, In Stock * Leaves Clear Visual Evidence when Label is Removed l Choose from 3 Security...
From $30.00
*Printed in Australia, In Stock * Leaves Application Surface clean when Label is Removed l Choose from 3 Security Designs l...
Your very own design l Low MOQ === If you require security tamper evident labels or tapes with your own...
Design your own paper labels === Certain applications might not require the usage of Tamper Evident labels or tapes. Instead,...
From $20.00
* In-Stock * ISO17712 Certified High Security Bolt Seal with moulded Anti-Spin feature. Customisation available. Price per 10 and 250. === Features:...
From $71.50
* In-Stock * Economical Strong Bolt Seal. Stock standard markings only. Price per 50 and 250. === Features: • Narrow 7.6mm shaft designed...