The Use of Security Seals

Authored By Seals HQ

Security seals are designed to show visual tamper evidence.  Three points to consider when evaluating security seals.

  1. As the name tamper evident security seal suggests, an effective security seal is designed as one time use only. Upon removal, it provides visual tamper evidence and destroys the seal from being used again.
  2. Standard locks do not provide proof when it has been opened and relocked. Security seals are able to provide that additional benefit of ‘proof’.
  3. On top of effective application of a security seal, the administration process is also critical. This includes procedures set in place for issuing, recording and disposal of seals.  We, at Seals HQ, will keep a record of serial numbers issued for up to 7 years.
Our friendly specialists are here to help with security seal recommendations for your environment.  Please contact us at 1300 920 778 or

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