
Facilities Management

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Security seals are widely deployed in many aspects of facilities management to detect unauthorised access to key areas, securing assets, crowd management and key management. Seals HQ provides highly versatile seals which can be used to complement new or current best practices in facilities management.
Need help to choose from our wide range of Tamper Evident Security Seals to suit your application? Call us at 1300 920 778 or email us at Free samples are available to assess suitability of our products in your environment.

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* In-Stock * Bag size: 250.0mm (W) x 290.0mm (H) x 10.0mm (G) === Heavy Duty Reusable Security Bag. Designed...
* In-Stock * Bag size: 300.0mm (W) x 360.0mm (H) x 40.0mm (G) === Heavy Duty Reusable Security Bag. Designed...
* In-Stock * Bag size: 455.0mm (W) x 355.0mm (H) x 100.0mm (G) === Heavy Duty Reusable Security Bag. Extra...

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* Custom Made * Custom Design your own Biodegradable One Time Use Security Tamper Evident Bag. Level 4 security detects Heat / Freon...
Biodegradable Security Bag A4 | Opaque
From $49.90
* In Stock * Bag size: 230.0mm x 335.0mm. Biodegradable Opaque One Time Use Tamper Evident Bag. Level 4 security detects Heat...
Biodegradable Security Bag A3 | Opaque
From $77.00
* In Stock * Bag size: 320.0mm x 465.0mm. Biodegradable Opaque One Time Use Tamper Evident Bag. Level 4 security detects Heat...
Biodegradable Security Bag A5 | Opaque
From $55.00
* In Stock * Bag size: 170.0mm x 255.0mm. Biodegradable Opaque One Time Use Tamper Evident Bag. Level 4 security detects Heat...

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Your very own design  l  Small Volume Order === If you require a security tamper evident bag with your own customised...

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* Custom Made * Custom Designed Security Tape. Total Transfer or Non Transfer. Low MOQ. === Features: Custom Designed Security Tape with...
From $22.00
* In-Stock * Premium Plastic Indicative Padlock with Barcode designed for easy application and removal on small apertures . Price per...
From $45.00
* Printed in Australia, Ready in 24 hours * Strong Flat Tailed Adjustable Length Indicative Security Seal with Locking Length...
From $33.00
* Printed in Australia, Ready in 24 hours * 2mm Round Tail Adjustable Length Indicative Security Seal with Locking Length of...
From $27.50
* Printed in Australia, Ready in 24 hours * Economical Adjustable Length Indicative Security Seal with Locking Length of 215mm and...
From $44.00
* In-Stock * 2mm Round Tail Adjustable Length Indicative Security Seal with Locking Length of 340mm. Price per 100 and 1,000. ===...

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* Custom Made, Low MOQ, High Strength * PET Packing Tape, 55 microns thick with strong adhesive designed for secure sealing...
Heavy Duty 235
From $44.00
* In-Stock * Strong Rib Tailed Adjustable Length Indicative Security Seal with Locking Length of 235mm. Price per 100 and 1,000. ===...
From $20.00
* In Stock * High Quality Bubble Wrap. 375.0mm wide x 100.0 meters. Available in Continuous roll or Perforated every...
From $60.50
* In Stock * High Quality Bubble Wrap. 1000.0mm wide x 100.0 meters. Available in Continuous roll or Perforated every...
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